This page links (mostly) to files in portable document format (pdf) of my scientific output. If you are interested in reading other of my 'research' go to my blog page. There you can find everything from how to do structural equation modeling in R, how to make nice plots, watering your plants automatically or make the best pizza dough.
If you stay here, below is mostly a list of scientific articels that you can download. Besides from those you can also find a copy of my PhD thesis and some other not-so-scientific-things that I wrote or people wrote about stuff that I do. Fell free to download them or just give a look at them. If you read them and find them interesting and you think you would like to discuss things with me please feel free to get in touch with me. You can find informations on how to do that clicking here or on "Contact" from the menu at the top of this page.
Below is a list of papers that I wrote or coauthored. Please note that these papers' copyright is protected.
- Fat Talk in College Women: A Response Styles Perspective Dalley S.E., Toffanin P., Libert J., Vidal J. Health Education and Behavior 2021
- Do Musicians and Non-Musicians Differ In Speech-on-Speech Processing? Kaplan E.C., Wagner A.E., Toffanin P., Başkent D. Frontiers in Psychology 2021
- Individual Variations in Effort: Assessing Pupillometry for the Hearing Impaired Wagner A.E., Nagels L., Toffanin P., Opie J.M., Baskent D. Trends in Hearing 2019
- The Timing and Effort of Lexical Access in Natural and Degraded Speech Wagner A.E., Toffanin P., Baskent D. Frontiers in Psychology 2016
- Self-chosen colored light induces relaxation. Johnson A., Toffanin P. In: Proceedings of EXPERIENCING LIGHT 2012: International Conference on the Effects of Light on Wellbeing (Eds. de Kort, et al.) 2012
- Dietary Restraint in College Women: Fear of an Imperfect Fat Self is Stronger than Hope of a Perfect Thin Self. Dalley S.E., Toffanin P., Pollet T.E. Body Image 2012 ; 9: 441 - 7
- The P4pc: An Electrophysiological Marker of Attentional Disengagement? Toffanin P., de Jong R., Johnson A. Int J Psychophysiol. 2011 ; 81 : 72 - 81
- Dynamic crossmodal links revealed by steady-state responses in auditory-visual divided attention. de Jong R., Toffanin P., Harbers M. Int J Psychophysiol. 2010 ; 75 : 3 - 15
- Orienting attention to objects in visual short-term memory. Dell'Acqua R., Sessa P., Toffanin P., Luria R., Jolicoeur P. Neuropsychologia. 2010 ; 48 : 419 - 428
- Using frequency tagging to quantify attentional deployment in a visual divided attention task. Toffanin P., de Jong R., Johnson A., Martens S. Int J Psychophysiol. 2009; 72 : 289 - 98.
- Adaptive control of event integration. Akyurek E.G., Toffanin P., Hommel B. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2008; 34 : 569 - 77.
- Rethinking neural efficiency: effects of controlling for strategy mixitureuse. Toffanin P., Johnson A., de Jong R., Martens S. Behav Neurosci. 2007; 121 : 854 - 70.
- Adaptive control of event integration: evidence from event-related potentials. Akyurek E.G., Riddell P.M., Toffanin P., Hommel B. Psychophysiology 2007; 44 : 383 - 91.
- Central processing overlap modulates P3 latency. Dell'acqua R., Jolicoeur P., Vespignani F., Toffanin P. Exp Brain Res. 2005; 165 : 54 - 68.
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PhD Thesis
Below is a pdf copy of my PhD thesis, whereas here you can find/download an article on my thesis written by Nienke Beintema. The article is in Dutch and it appeared in the science section of the Dutch newspaper NRC on Thursday 01 October 2009 (page 10).
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Book chapters
- The Working Brain. Johnson A., Jolij J., Parasuraman R., Toffanin P., in Neuroergonomics: Cognitive neuroscience approaches to human factors and ergonomics (Johnson and Proctor eds.) 2013
- Attentional resources and control. Toffanin P., Johnson A., in Neuroergonomics: Cognitive neuroscience approaches to human factors and ergonomics (Johnson and Proctor eds.) 2013
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Selected Posters
This is a selection of two posters. They are the one I liked the most, because they express my favorite science cocktail: fun, innovation and entertainment. It's educational too.
- Immensely Illuminated: Self-choosen colored light induces relaxation. Toffanin P., Johnson A., Snell D. 2011 This poster is special because the title is also a poem by Giuseppe Ungaretti. Given that the experience is similar to the one of being fully immersed in light I found the title very appropriate. And I also really enjoyed creating the carton of the guy taking the shower of light...
- P4pc: An Electrophysiological Marker of Attentional Disengagement? Toffanin P., de Jong R., Johnson A. 2008 What is very nice about this poster is the link between tweety the bird and the ERP components N2pc and P300. The ERP components represents the 2 sequential steps of seing somethign that has target defining features and recognizing it. These 2 are also the sequential steps through which Tweety recognizes Silvester the cat. After explaining it with this analogy nobody ever told me they did not understand the N2pc and the P300 and their relationship.
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Other publications
This is a text written by Janita Naaijer about me trying to cook some food. The reportmixiture (and the recipe) has been published in the column Tjak in the University Newspaper (the UK, Universiteitskrant, Number 38, 07 May 2009, p.31) of the University
of Groningen. Tjak was the culinary column of the UK, and Janita report described an evening spent cooking and eating polenta, one of the most modest italian food. The report is in dutch, and it definitely does not show my most photogenic profile.
This is a review of the book "Living in Holland" which I wrote for the BCN newsletter (I do not remember neither the year nor the number of the publication, it must have been 2006). The book is about the things that you should try to arrange before and when you arrived to the Netherlands, just to make it a little bit easier to start over.
For programming code or just to know what keeps me busy check my github repositories or my blog respectively.
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