This page lists some of the work I presented and lectures I gave.
2018 | Introduction to growth curve analysis for pupillometry. Workshop for EU ENRICH program. Groningen |
2016 | Introduction to eyetracking and pupillometry. Workshop for EU ENRICH program. Crete |
2012 | Multitasking in dentistry: Advantages and disadvantages. 25th Annual Meeting European Society of Dental Ergonomics, Maastricht. |
2012 | Applied Brain Computer Interfaces and adaptive automation. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen. |
2012 | Neurocool: Ergonomics meets neuroscience. Lectures on Cognition and Attention: University of Groningen. |
2011 | A perfect look. BCN introductory course, University of Groningen. |
2011 | Workshop on eyetracking and electroencephalography for language research. University of Groningen. |
2011 | Can machines live our lives? Summer school for gifted students, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
2011 | The eye and the brain: Two approaches to study human behaviour. Summer school for gifted students, Vilnius, Lithuania. |
2011 | New approaches to Brain-computer interfaces. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen. |
2010 | Searching for perfection. Discovery Festival, Science Center Nemo, Amsterdam. |
2010 | Methods for real-time single trial classification. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen. |
2009 | P4pc an electrophysiological marker of attentional disengagement. ESCOP colloqium, Leiden. |
2009 | What does a cognitive neuroscientist do and how can you become one. Carrer Perspectives, University of Groningen. |
2009 | From brain to behaviour, a journey through cognitive neuroscience. Lectures for gifted students, Discover your talent, Rotterdam. |
2011 | Immensely Illuminated. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP). Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. |
2008 | The P4pc: An Electrophysiological Marker of Swift Attentional Disengagement. Rovereto Attention Workshop, Rovereto, Italy. |
2008 | Steady-state evoked potentials reveal dynamics of divided attention. Italian Association of Psychology, Padova, Italy. |
2008 | Using frequency tagging to investigate the neurocorrelates of divided attention. Icon X Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Bodrum, Turkey. |
2008 | Using frequency tagging to investigate the neurocorrelates of divided attention. Conference on cognitive neuroscience, San Fransisco, USA. |
2007 | In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. BCN new year meeting, Groningen, Netherlands. |
2007 | Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Applied Neuroscience, Nijmegen, Netherlands. |
2007 | In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
2007 | Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Blink of the minds, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
2007 | In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Italian Association of Psychology, Como, Italy. |
2007 | In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Italian Society for NeuroScience, Verona, Italy. |
2007 | Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Rovereto Attentional Workshop, Rovereto, Italy. |
2006 | Neural efficiency and intelligence: An EEG study. BCN new year meeting, Groningen, Netherlands. |
2006 | Using frequency tagging to investigate divided attention. N2pc and SCDA meeting, Padova, Italy. |
2006 | Neural efficiency and intelligence: An EEG study. BCN Annual Meeting, Odoorn, Netherlands. |
2005 | Stretching Attention. Italian Association of Psychology, Cagliari, Italy. |
2005 | Do differences in neural efficiency underlie differences in intelligence? Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. |
2004 | Carichi attentivi e latenza della P300: un'indagine con paradigmi doppio compito. Italian Association of Psychology, Sciacca, Italy. |