
This page lists some of the work I presented and lectures I gave.

2018Introduction to growth curve analysis for pupillometry. Workshop for EU ENRICH program. Groningen
2016Introduction to eyetracking and pupillometry. Workshop for EU ENRICH program. Crete
2012Multitasking in dentistry: Advantages and disadvantages. 25th Annual Meeting European Society of Dental Ergonomics, Maastricht.
2012Applied Brain Computer Interfaces and adaptive automation. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen.
2012Neurocool: Ergonomics meets neuroscience. Lectures on Cognition and Attention: University of Groningen.
2011A perfect look. BCN introductory course, University of Groningen.
2011Workshop on eyetracking and electroencephalography for language research. University of Groningen.
2011Can machines live our lives? Summer school for gifted students, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2011The eye and the brain: Two approaches to study human behaviour. Summer school for gifted students, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2011New approaches to Brain-computer interfaces. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen.
2010Searching for perfection. Discovery Festival, Science Center Nemo, Amsterdam.
2010Methods for real-time single trial classification. Lectures on BCI: University of Groningen.
2009P4pc an electrophysiological marker of attentional disengagement. ESCOP colloqium, Leiden.
2009What does a cognitive neuroscientist do and how can you become one. Carrer Perspectives, University of Groningen.
2009From brain to behaviour, a journey through cognitive neuroscience. Lectures for gifted students, Discover your talent, Rotterdam.
2011Immensely Illuminated. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP). Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
2008The P4pc: An Electrophysiological Marker of Swift Attentional Disengagement. Rovereto Attention Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
2008Steady-state evoked potentials reveal dynamics of divided attention. Italian Association of Psychology, Padova, Italy.
2008Using frequency tagging to investigate the neurocorrelates of divided attention. Icon X Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Bodrum, Turkey.
2008Using frequency tagging to investigate the neurocorrelates of divided attention. Conference on cognitive neuroscience, San Fransisco, USA.
2007In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. BCN new year meeting, Groningen, Netherlands.
2007Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Applied Neuroscience, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
2007In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2007Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Blink of the minds, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2007In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Italian Association of Psychology, Como, Italy.
2007In the beginning there was synchronization: Genesis of a neural correlate of processing differences. Italian Society for NeuroScience, Verona, Italy.
2007Using frequency tagging to investigate the neuralcorrelates of divided attention. Rovereto Attentional Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
2006Neural efficiency and intelligence: An EEG study. BCN new year meeting, Groningen, Netherlands.
2006Using frequency tagging to investigate divided attention. N2pc and SCDA meeting, Padova, Italy.
2006Neural efficiency and intelligence: An EEG study. BCN Annual Meeting, Odoorn, Netherlands.
2005Stretching Attention. Italian Association of Psychology, Cagliari, Italy.
2005Do differences in neural efficiency underlie differences in intelligence? Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie (NVP), Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
2004Carichi attentivi e latenza della P300: un'indagine con paradigmi doppio compito. Italian Association of Psychology, Sciacca, Italy.