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Delphi study on reporting of tinnitus (f)MRI studies - Round I

Before starting with the questionnaire please fill in these four general questions to identify you and your research background.

First name

Last/family name

Your preferred email address

Which of the following best describes your involvement in tinnitus research? Please chose one of the options below:

Tinnitus researcher who has published MRI/fMRI tinnitus papers in the last 5 years, either structural of functional or both, but excluding MR spectroscopy.

Tinnitus researcher who has published in the last 5 years on neuroscientific studies on humans with tinnitus, using MEG, EEG, ABR, or psychoacoustic techniques.

None of the above. Sorry, I cannot participate.

How relevant do you consider the following items in a scientific report of an anatomical or structural MRI tinnitus patient? Note that we do not ask to specify which measures is to be used, rather whether a measure should be provided to report on the item. It is important that you only give a score 7-8-9 if you feel that the item is critically important in order to interpret the results that are being presented in the report.

Participants Characteristics - Demographics

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Method of participant recruitment
Informed consent statement
Education work and/or socio economic status

Participants Characteristics - General health

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Quality of life
Sleep quality
Ongoing treatment for tinnitus

Participants Characteristics - Hearing

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Aetiology and onset of hearing loss (if hearing impaired)
ENT examination outcome
Standard tone audiogram (250 Hz – 8 kHz)
High frequency tone audiogram (>8 kHz)
Loudness discomfort level
Hyperacusis (e.g. a questionnaire score)
Speech audiometry

Participants Characteristics - Tinnitus

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Aetiology and onset of tinnitus
Duration or onset age
Distinction objective/subjective tinnitus
Tinnitus handicap (e.g. a questionnaire score)
Type of percept (e.g. tonal, broadband, etc.)
Tinnitus pitch (e.g. matched frequency or tinnitus spectrum)
Tinnitus loudness (e.g. matched level)
Minimum masking level
Residual inhibition

Technical characteristics of scan session - sound

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Hearing protection and sound attenuation
Headphones and sound delivery
A measure of the frequency content of scanner noise (e.g. spectrum or dominant frequency)
A measure of the sound level produced by the scanner

Technical characteristics of scan session - Sequence parameters

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Use of inter-scan silent periods (e.g. sparse/clustered volume)
Repetition time (TR)
Image acquisition time (TA)

Technical characteristics - Effect of scan session on tinnitus

Outcome Not important Important but not critical Critical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unable to score
Audibility of tinnitus during scan session
Changes in tinnitus percept during scan session (e.g. loudness changes)
Changes in tinnitus immediately following scan session (e.g. loudness changes)

Do you have any feedback on this questionnaire in general or on any specific items in the questionnaire?

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Are there items you consider critical in a report of an MRI tinnitus study, but are missing in this questionnaire?

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If you have completed all the questions please submit your responses. All fields require a response, a part from filling in the comments. If, while filling in the questionnaire, some items are missed a red asterisk* will appeared close to the missed item(s). Please check that all the fields have been filled in before submitting.